Links I do not want to forget and I find interesting to share.
Software Engineering
- Alternatives and warnings about semantic versioning
- SemVer will not save you
- Hyrum’s Law - Once it is used, any fix can be a breaking change
- Calendar Versioning
- Deployment configuration management and versioning
- Programming as Theory building - by Peter Naur
- End of life date of various software components
- Trunk based development
- Langium - Framework to quickly develop Language Server Protocol compatible languages
Computer Graphics
- Inigo Quilez web site - Treasure trove on shaders and computer graphics
- Shader Toy - demos of what can be done using fragment shaders
- Scratch a pixel - Tutorials on computer graphics
- Learn Wgpu - for Rust
- WebGL2 Fundamentals
- WebGPU Fundamentals
- The book of shaders
- pretzelhammer’s Rust blog
- Async Rust design
- Other Rust design
Fluid simulation
Reference articles and papers on fluid simulation
- Mark J. Harris, in GPU Gems Chapter 38, NVidia publication
- Jos Stam, “Stable Fluids”, In SIGGRAPH 99 Conference Proceedings, Annual Conference Series, August 1999, 121-128.
- Jos Stam, “Real-Time Fluid Dynamics for Games”. Proceedings of the Game Developer Conference, March 2003.
- Other publications from Jos Stem
Tutorials or simple examples
- Omar Shehata, “How to Write a Smoke Shader”
- Shahriar Shahrabi, “Gentle Introduction to Realtime Fluid Simulation for Programmers and Technical Artists”
Some existing implementations
Project management
- Diátaxis framework - How to write clear documentation
- Advent of Code - Algorithm problems for December
Embedded & Electronics
- NAND game - Build a computer from scratch
- Electronics Club
- Category Theory - Bartosz Milewski
Spoken languages
- Guide to Japanese - Japanese grammar
- Jisho - Japanese dictionary
- Anki - Tool to help memorize anything
Programming for children
- Citizen Code - Learn in Python and Blockly